Eric P. Perramond, Geographer

Associate Professor of Southwest Studies & Environmental Science

Hulbert Center, #204

Colorado College

14 E Cache La Poudre

Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Phone: (719) 389 6241(office)


E-mail: eric “dot” perramond “at”



PhD 1999        The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Geography

MA 1994         Louisiana State University, Geography.

BA 1992         Mary Washington College (VA), Geography.


Positions and Teaching Experience

2009-   Colorado College: Associate Professor, Director of the Environmental Program (2010-13)

2005-   Colorado College: Assistant Professor of Southwest Studies & Environmental Science

1999-2005       Stetson University: Assistant Professor of Geography & Environmental Science.  Environmental Science Coordinator, 2000-2005.

                        (turned down promotion to Associate, tenure, and sabbatical in moving to CC)


Refereed Publications




2010. “Political Ecologies of Cattle Ranching  in Northern Mexico: Private Revolutions,” University of Arizona Press (January).


ARTICLES and Chapters


2011. Rittenburg*, Rebecca; Miro Kummel**; E. Perramond,). The local climate-development nexus: Jatropha and smallholder adaptation in Tamil Nadu, India. Climate and Development 3(4): 328-343.


2011. Nabhan, G.; K. Chambers; D. Tecklin; E. Perramond, and T. Sheridan. Ethnobiology for a diverse world - Defining new disciplinary trajectories: Mixing

political ecology with ethnobiology. Co-author (4). Journal of Ethnobiology 31(1): 1-3.


2010. Atomic Borderlands: Teaching the (End of the) Earth. For a special issue of the journal Transformations 21(1): 99-111.


2010. “Localism as Nationalism in the Eastern Pyrenees,” in Vaccaro, I. and Beltran, O. (eds.). Social and Ecological History of the Pyrenees: State, Market and Landscape, pp. 195-209. Walnut Creek (CA): Left Coast Press.


2008. The Rise, Fall, and Reconfiguration of the Mexican Ejido. Geographical Review 98(3): 356-371.


2007. “Localismo Como Nacionalismo en los Pirineos Orientales” in Ecología Política de los Pirineos: Estado, historia y paisaje, eds. I. Vaccaro and O. Beltran, pp. 189-205. Tremp (ESP): Garsineu Edicions.


2007. Tactics and strategies in political ecology research. Area 39(4): 499-507.


2007. Lesson, Outreach, and Research: Three Models of Undergraduate GIS Research at a Liberal Arts College. Co-author with Chris Jackson* and Wade Roberts **. Special issue of Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly 27(3): 113-18.


2005. Melting the Kachinas: Agricultural Hegemony and Indigenous Incorporation at Zuni Pueblo in the Modern Era. Journal of Political Ecology Vol 12: 51-67.


2005. The Politics of Ecology: Wild Chili Collection in Sonora, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography Vol 4(1): 59-95.


2004. Desert Traffic: The Drug Corridor in Northwest Mexico. In Dangerous Harvest: Drug Plants and the Transformation of Indigenous Landscapes, eds. M.K. Steinberg , J. Hobbs and K. Mathewson, pp. 209-17. New York: Oxford University Press.


2002. Grazing the Periphery: The Political Ecology of Private Ranchers in Sonora, Mexico.  In Cultural and Physical Expositions: Geographic Studies in the Southern United States and Latin America, eds. P.H. Hudson and M.K. Steinberg, pp. 51-7. Baton Rouge, LA: Geoscience Publications.


2002. Sustaining a Growing Population on an Increasingly Fragile Environment. Co-author (Doolittle, Sluyter, Perramond, Lambert and Crossley) in Latin America in the 21st Century: Challenges and Solutions, ed. G. Knapp, pp. 45-75. Austin: University of Texas Press. 


2001. La Ganadería Sonorense y los Cambios Ecológicos: Una propuesta. In Proceedings of the International Conference on the Environmental History of Livestock in the New World, ed. L. Hernández, pp. 108-113. Xalapa, Mexico: Instituto de Ecología, A.C.


2001. Oral History and Partial Truths in Mexico.  Geographical Review 91: 151-7.


2000. A Preliminary Analysis of Soil Erosion and Buffelgrass in Sonora, Mexico. Yearbook, Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers 26: 131-138.


1996. Hot Cows and Green Pastures in the Rio Sonora Country, Mexico. Geographical Review 86(3): 462-4.


1995. Zuni Farming and the U.S. Government: The Politics of Biological Diversity. Agriculture and human values 14:2-18. Co-author (Cleveland, Bowannie, Eriacho, Laahty, and Perramond).


* CC alum

** CC faculty


Book Manuscripts:


  1. Textbook co-author (#2) for “People and the Environment: An Introduction to Nature-Society Geography,” under contract with Blackwell Publishing, with William Moseley (Macalester), Paul Laris (Cal State-Long Beach), and Holly Hapke (East Carolina University).
  2. Translator, co-editor of Elisee Reclus’ “Voyage a la Sierra Nevada de Sainte-Marthe” (1861), with K. Mathewson. MS to be submitted to the University of Texas Press.


Other Publications


2008. Borders and Borderlands: Overview. In the Encyclopedia of the Modern World, ed. Erick Langer. New York: Oxford University Press.


2003In the Footsteps of Sauer, Brand, Hewes and West: Field Trip Guide to the Rio Sonora Valley [Mexico]. W.E. Doolittle and E.P. Perramond, compilers, for the Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers, 2003, in Tucson, AZ. 


Work in Progress


Accepted, for 2012. The politics of scaling water governance and adjudication in New Mexico. Water Alternatives 5(1): -- --.


Militarized Spaces and Open Range: Piñon Canyon and the Geographies of Rural Resistance.” Fieldwork, summer 2008, summer 2010, with David Havlick (UCCS Geography). MS presented at the RGS-IBG 2011 conference, London, by DH.


Book reviews:


Submitted. Privatizing Water: Governance Failure and the World’s Urban Water Crisis (Cornell University, 2010) by Karen Bakker. In Economic Geography.


2011. Stealing the Gila: The Pima Agricultural Economy and Water Deprivation, 1848-1921 (University of Arizona, 2009) by David H. DeJong. In New Mexico Historical Review 86(4): 536-537.


2011. Wild Sardinia: Indigeneity and the Global Dreamtimes of Environmentalism (University of Washington Press, 2010) by Tracey Heatherington. H-Net reviews (Historical Geography) located at:


2010. Gardening the World: Agency, Identity, and the Ownership of Water (Bergahn Books, 2009) by Veronica Strang. In Journal of Anthropological Research. Volume 66 (4): 577-578.


2009. Building the Borderlands: A Transnational History of Irrigated Cotton along the Mexico-Texas Border (Texas A&M University Press, 2008) by Casey Walsh. In Journal of Historical Geography TBA.


2008. Intimate Enemies: Landowners, Power, and Violence in Chiapas (Duke University Press, 2007) by Aaron Bobrow-Strain. In Professional Geographer 60 (4): (November 2008): 582-83.


2006. Landscapes of Power and Identity (Duke University Press, 2005) by Cynthia Radding. On H-Net, Historical Geography.



2006. Pueblo Indian Agriculture (University of New Mexico Press, 2005) by James Vlasich. In Historical Geography 34: 229-231.


2006 A Brief History of Neoliberalism (Oxford University Press, 2005) by David Harvey. In Professional Geographer 58 (3): 356-7.


2005. Downsizing the State: Privatization and the Limits of Neoliberal Reform in Mexico (The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2004) by Dag MacLeod. In Latin American Politics and Society 47: 169-73.


2005. Ranching, Endangered Species and Urbanization in the Southwest (University of Arizona Press, 2002) by Nathan Sayre. In Political Geography 24(3): 391-3.


2004. Native Peoples of the Southwest: Negotiating Land, Water, and Ethnicities (Greenwood Publishing Co., 2001) ed. Laurie Weinstein. In Historical Geography 32: 194-96.


2004. Landscape, Nature and the Body Politic (University of Wisconsin Press, 2002) by Kenneth R. Olwig. In Annals of the Association of American Geographers 94(2):437-39.


2002. La Gran Línea: Mapping the United States-Mexico Boundary, 1849-1857 (University of Texas Press, 2001) by Paula Rebert. In Journal of Latin American Geography 1(1): 84-5.


2000. Gentry's Rio Mayo Plants: The Tropical Deciduous Forest & Environs of Northwest Mexico (University of Arizona Press, 1998) edited by Paul Martin, David Yetman, Mark Fishbein, Phil Jenkins, Thomas Van Devender, and Rebecca Wilson. In Journal of Ethnobiology 20 (1): 72-3.


1997. Sonora: An Intimate Geography (University of New Mexico Press, 1996) by David Yetman in the Journal of Geography 96(1):45.


1996. Essays on the Changing Images of the Southwest (University of Texas A&M Press, 1994) edited by Richard Francaviglia and David Narrett in the Annals of the Association of American Geographers 86(3):596-7.


1996. Sharing the Desert: The Tohono O'Oodham in history (University of Utah Press, 1994) by Winston Erickson in the Journal of Historical Geography.


1994. The Hispano Homeland (University of Oklahoma Press, 1992) by Richard Nostrand in the Journal of Geography 93(6):292-3.


1993. The People: Indians of the American Southwest by Stephen Trimble in the Cultural Ecology Newsletter 24:5-6.


1993. Gardens of Prehistory (The University of Alabama Press, 1992) edited by Thomas Killion in the Cultural Ecology Newsletter 22:6-7.


Research Interests

Political Ecology & Natural Resources

Latin America, Greater Southwest/Mexican Northwest, Mediterranean

Environmental Geography, Conservation

Climate Change (Policy) & Water Resources

Field & Research Techniques

GIS, student-based research & pedagogy

Research Grants


Colorado College

2010-11: Jackson Fellowship for “The formation of hydraulic expertise and water governance in New Mexico.” Summer 2011 field and archival work.

2010-2011: Social Science Executive Committee, $2400.00 for direct housing subsidy in New Mexico during the summer of 2011.

2010-2011: Natural Science Executive Committee: $638.00 for supplementary conference travel to the Environmental Governance Workshop, May 17-20, 2011 in Ft. Collins, CO (part of the Earth System Governance network)

2010-11: Mediterranean Cultures & Languages, Mellon-funded course development for “Mediterranean Terroirs: Human-Environments” Stipend and travel funds for the summers of 2010 and 2011.

2009: Benezet Fellowship, summer research on water adjudication in New Mexico.

2008-09: Social Science Executive Committee, funds for field research in New Mexico (Water Adjudication and Acequias).

2008-09: Jackson Fellowship funding for field work on regional political ecological class-based research projects in SW301 (Political Ecology of the Southwest), teaching and course enhancement purposes.

2008: SSEC Book Subvention Grant, for Private Revolutions (University of Arizona Press, publication date TBA).

2007-08: Jackson Fellowship funding for field work on water rights in New Mexico (Summer 2007).

2007: Faculty-Student Collaborative Research Grant for student research on water adjudication and land easements in New Mexico. $2500 to Mary (Molly) Dilg, June-August, 2007.

2006-07: Mrachek Fellowship for work on book manuscript, Desert Meadows. (Summer 2006). 

(2005-)2006 Social Science Executive Committee, funds for research in the libraries of the University of Texas at Austin (summer 2006) and for travel to the American Society for Environmental History meetings in St. Paul, MN (March-April, 2006). 


Stetson University

2003 Summer Research Fund, for "Pyrenean Depopulation and the Environmental Degradation of Rural Landscapes." Project began in France/Spain during summer of 2003.

2000 Summer Research Fund, for “Institutions and Environmental Change: Privatizing Ejidos in the region of Guanajuato, Mexico.”  Project began 5/00.




AAG Enrichment Fund Grant, for David Barkin (U.Autonoma de Xochimilco, Mexico); to cover registration costs at the 2008 meetings of the Association of American Geographers, November 28, 2007.


The Historical Geography of Cattle Ranching in Sonora, Mexico project funded by the National Security Education Program for dissertation research, August 1997 - December 1997.


IIE J. William Fulbright Award for dissertation research in Sonora, Mexico, September 1996 -July 1997.


C.B. Smith Dissertation Enhancement Research Grant - awarded by the Mexican Center of the Institute of Latin American Studies for travel to Mexico City, Summer 1996.


Tinker Foundation Fieldwork Research Grant awarded for preliminary research on changes in Sonoran agriculture and ranching, summer 1995.


Center for Francophone Studies of Louisiana State University, grant for translation of Elisée Reclus' account of post colonial Colombia. Co-PI, summer 1994.


Robert C. West Field Research Grant awarded by the Department of Geography and Anthropology, Louisiana State University for thesis research at Zuni Pueblo, New Mexico, summer 1993.


Teaching & Course Enhancement Grants


Mellon Foundation grant for languages and Mediterranean Studies, for new course on Mediterranean Terroirs: Human Environments, summers of 2010 and 2011. Course to be taught block A, 2013.


Curriculum Development Grant, for revising the first-year experience (FYE) course development in Southwest Studies, during summer of 2008, with Anne Hyde (History-Southwest Studies).


Mellon Foundation, funding for course development in the new environmental science major at Colorado College – EV421 Environmental Synthesis (Global Climate Change Policy), with Andrew Price-Smith (Political Science, CC) during summer 2007.


Stetson University Hand Grant for course improvement and professional development for “GIS Integration & Outreach in the Natural Sciences.” Project period: 6/01-8/01/2004.


Stetson University Hollis Mentored Field Experience in Central Mexico, from Latin American Studies committee, summer 2002 travel with 5 students. *3 weeks of student group travel.


Stetson University Hand Grant for course improvement and enhancement fund for development of ESS101 (Introduction to Environmental Science) and ESS201 (Environmental Field Methods). Project period: 6/01 – 8/01/2001


Teaching Interests & Courses Offered

Colorado College (active courses, offered regularly)

FYE 175: The Southwest: An Introduction (first-year student seminar)

SW272: Nature, Region, and Society of the Southwest (research methods + GIS)

SW301 Political Ecology of the Southwest

SW400-401: Senior project in Southwest Studies

EV128: Introduction to Global Climate Change (fall 2012)

EV221: Environmental Inquiry (research methods)

EV321: Environmental Management

EV499: Senior Theses

EV421 Synthesis: Global Climate Change (&Policy (w/Price-Smith)* - twice


Past courses

HY200/SW250: History and Geography of the Colorado River (w/Hyde)* - 2005

EV155 Introductory Earth Systems Science (2005-07)

SW102 Place, Space and the Southwest (2007)


Research Presentations


2011. The political ecology of terroirs in Catalunya. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Anthropological Association, Montreal, Canada, November 17-20.


2011. Blood in the Waters: Identity, indigeneity, and adjudication in New Mexico. Presentation for the American Studies department at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, November 11.


2011. “Scaling water governance with adjudication in New Mexico.” Presentation and paper prepared for the annual meetings of the Association of American Geographers, in the special sessions on Water governance and the politics of scale: A critical examination of water governance in a multi-scalar environment, Seattle, WA April 14.


2011. Panelist, session on “Human Environment Interactions in the Borderlands” at the annual meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Seattle, WA, April 13.


2010. “Private Revolutions: Mexican Ranching in the Borderlands.” Invited presentation for the University of Arizona Department of Geography Colloquium Series, October 8, 2010.


2010. “Blood in the Waters: Governance and Ethnicity in New Mexico.” Invited presentation for Geography 408 Arizona and the Southwest, University of Arizona, Tucson. October 7th.


2010. “Acequias, adjudication, and governance changes.” Presentation prepared for the annual meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Chair & organizer of session Interdisciplinary perspectives on environmental justice in New Mexico, Washington, D.C. April 14, 2010.


2010. Co-organizer of panel on Ethics of Latin American Fieldwork, annual meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Washington, D.C. April 15, 2010.


2009. “Private Revolutions: Political Ecologies of Cattle Ranching in Northern Mexico.” Invited presentation for the Honors Program and Geography, at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque (NM), November 9, 2009.


2009. “México después del neoliberalismo” (Mexico after neoliberalism), session organizer, and paper presented at the Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers meeting in Granada, Nicaragua, January 7-10, 2009.


2008. Co-author with Molly Dilg (CC student), “Adjudication before neo-liberalism: Water rights in New Mexico.” Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, April 15-19, 2008. Boston, MA. Chair & Organizer of the session Liquid Governance.


2007. Co-author with Molly Dilg (CC student), “Liquid Relations: Water Rights in New Mexico under Adjudication. Poster prepared for the Great Plains/Rocky Mountains divisional meetings of the AAG, September 29th, 2007. Denver, CO


2007. “Private Revolutions: Political Ecologies of Cattle Ranching in northern Mexico.” Presentation at Macalester College, St. Paul, MN – September 13, 2007. ACM-funded visit between geographers.


2007. “PROCEDE at 15 years: The Geography of Ejido Privatization in Mexico.” Paper presented in the special session Mexico's Reforms at 15: Privatization, Sustainability and Implications for the Future of the Ejido at the Latin American Studies Association meetings in Montreal, Canada, September 6-8, 2007.


2007. Chair & Organizer, panel session on Cattle and Capitalism in the Age of Neo-liberalism at the Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, CA, April 17-21.


2007. “The Devil’s Wire and Neo-liberal Enclosure: Material and Conceptual Privatization in Sonora, Mexico.” Paper presented in the session Cattle and Capitalism in the Age of Neo-liberalism at the Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, CA, April 17-21.


2006. “Depopulation, degradation and extensification in the Catalonian PyrénéesPaper presented in the session Political Ecology of Pyrenean Landscapes, at the meetings of the American Society for Environmental History, St. Paul, MN, March 29-April 2, 2006.


2006. “Long waves of neo-liberalism and privatization in Mexico.” Paper presented in a special session on Land Reform and Agrarian Change: Experiences from the Global South at the Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Chicago, IL, March 7-11.


2006. Chair, “Participatory mapping and indigenous peoples” at the Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Chicago, IL, March 7-11, 2006.


2006. Panelist, “Environmental Politics and Public Lands” at the Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Chicago, IL, March 7-11, 2006.


2005. “The Rise and Fall of the Mexican Ejido.” Paper presented in the session Geografía Latinoamericana: Economía y sociedad at the Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers in Morelia, Mexico, October 27th.


2005. “Intermediate Ecological and Post-Structural theories for Political Ecology.” Paper to be presented in special session on Concepts and Theories in Cultural and Political Ecology, at the Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Denver, CO, April 5-9, 2005. Co-organizer of sessions I and II, Chair of session II.


2005. Panelist, “Nature, Politics and Resources in the Arid Realm II” at the Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Denver, CO, April 5-9, 2005.


2005. Invited Discussant in session “Politics of Scale: Environment, Community and Justice” at the Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Denver, CO, April 5-9, 2005.


2004. “An Evaluation of Soil Nutrient Variability under Three Dominant Land Cover Types in Southwestern Florida” – Poster by Brenda Brooks-Solveson*, Bennington, and Perramond for the Southeast Divisional meetings of the AAG, Biloxi, MS, November 21-23rd, 2004. * BBS is a former student.


2004. “Geographic Contexts for Land Privatization in Mexico: Understanding the environment of the counter-Revolution.” Full-length paper prepared and presented in session “Geographical Perspectives On Change In Mexico at The Latin American Studies Association meetings in Las Vegas, NV, October 7-9th, 2004. – Research presentation based on student research collaboration in Mexico (2002).

2004. “Human Impact & Ehnoecology of Chiltepín (Capsicum annuum var. aviculare) Collection in Sonora, Mexico.” Paper presented at the Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers in Antigua, Guatemala.  May 17-22nd.

2004. "Pyrenean Depopulation and Landscape Degradation in the 20th Century." Paper  presented at the annual meetings of the Association of American Geographers in special session “Political Ecologies of European Landscapes,” Chair & Organizer: EPP. Philadelphia, PA: March 17th.

2004. “Reclus’ Influence and Contributions to Geographic Theory.” Panel remarks presented at the annual meetings of the Association of American Geographers in special session “Anarchism and Geography: Past Issues and Contemporary Opportunities,” Organizer & Co-Chair: EPP with Mark Bonta (Delta State U.).  Philadelphia: PA: March 17th.

2004. “Historical materialism and material cultures.” Panel presentation at the annual meetings of the Association of American Geographers in special session “Roots & Retrospective” of the Cultural and Political Ecology Specialty Group. Philadelphia, PA. March 16th.

2004. “Agricultural Hegemony at Zuni Pueblo and Indigenous Incorporation.”  Paper presented at the Stetson University Faculty Research Forum, on 1.16.04.

2003. "Land Tenure and Environmental Change in Mexico: Examples from the State of Guanajuato.” Presentation at the Center for The Study of Institutions, Population, and Environmental Change, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. May 23rd.

2003. Florida Noir and Environmental Education.” Symposium of the Florida Teachers Council (Florida Humanities Council), roundtable with S.V. Date and Tim Dorsey. April 25th, Holiday Inn, Deland, FL.

2003. “Institutional Dimensions of Environmental Change in Mexico: Privatization, Ejidos, and soil erosion responses to land-cover changes.” Paper presented in session “Changing Influences on Mexican Human-Environment Relationships” at the annual meetings of the Association of American Geographers in New Orleans, LA, March 5th.

2003. “Rancher tactics and environmental strategy in the Rio Sonora of Mexico.” Paper presented in the Robert C. West session at the Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers in Tucson, AZ, January 5-7th.  *Organizer of sessions.

2002. "Neo-Liberal Landscapes of Agrarian Mexico: Cases from the state of Guanajuato." Paper delivered at the annual conference of the Association of American Geographers in Los Angeles, CA, March 21st.

2001. "NAFTA and the Tortoise: Privatization of the Mexican Commons in Guanajuato, Mexico."  Paper delivered at the meetings of the Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers in Benicassim, Spain, June 14th.

2001. "Digging Up The Dirt: Fieldwork, Oral History, and Partial Truths." Paper delivered at the annual conference of the Association of American Geographers in New York, NY, Feb 27-March 3. Special Geographical Review session on "Doing Fieldwork."


2000. "Ecology and Ideology: Private Landscapes of Northern Mexico." Paper to be delivered at the annual conference of the Association of American Geographers in Pittsburgh, PA, date to be announced.  Session: "Mixed landscapes, Mixed methods II."


2000. “Elisée Reclus and Post-Colonial Colombia.” Paper delivered at the Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers meeting in Austin, TX, Jan. 6-8. * Chair of session.


1999. "Desert Traffic: The Drug Corridor in Northwest Mexico." Paper delivered at the annual conference of the Association of American Geographers in Honolulu, HI, on April 4th.


1998. “Grazing the Periphery: The Political Ecology of Private Ranchers in Sonora, Mexico.” Paper delivered at the Southwestern Division of the Association of American Geographers meeting, in Baton Rouge, LA, October 30.


1998. "Buffelgrass, Conservation, and Soil Erosion in Sonora, Mexico." Paper delivered at the annual conference of the Association of American Geographers in Boston, Massachusetts, on March 27.


1997. "Greener Pastures? Trends in the Cattle Industry of Sonora, Mexico." Presentation delivered at the annual conference of the Association of American Geographers in Forth Worth, Texas, on April 3.


1996. "Cambios Ecológicos en Sonora durante la Colonia." Paper delivered at the International Conference on the Environmental History of Livestock in the New World, Durango, Mexico, on October 18.


1996. "Geographical Problems in the Historiography of Sonoran Cattle Ranching." Presentation delivered at the annual conference of the Association of American Geographers in Charlotte, North Carolina, on April 11.


1996. Panel discussant for "Biological Conservation in the Texas-Mexico Borderlands: Science and Policy" organized by the University of Texas Chapter of the Society for Conservation Biology, in Austin, Texas, on April 26.


1996. "Problemas Historiográficos en la Geografía de la Ganadería Sonorense." Paper delivered at the Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, on January 4.


1995. "Colonial Landscapes of Cultivation at Zuni Pueblo." Paper presented at the Southwest Association of American Geographers, Las Cruces, New Mexico, on October 6.


1995. "A Political Ecology of the Zuni Indian Reservation: 1846-1993." paper delivered at the annual conference of the Association of American Geographers in Chicago, Illinois, on March 19.


1993. "Zuni agriculture in the 20th century." Paper delivered at the Southwest Association of American Geographers in Fayetteville, Arkansas, on October 22.


1993. "Beyond the Garden Thing: Zuni agriculture in the twentieth century." Paper presented in the Department of Geography and Anthropology, Louisiana State University, on October 8.


1993. "Ethnicity and Cultural Ecology in Northern New Mexico." Paper delivered at the annual conference of the Association of American Geographers in Atlanta, Georgia, on April 7.


1993. "Land Ethics in Northern New Mexico." Paper delivered at the Southwest Social Sciences Association conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, on March 18.




Colorado College:

FYE Committee, 2007-09

Math & C.S. Search Committee, 2007-08

Information Technology Advisory Board, 2006-07

Environmental Science Program

            Director, Environmental Program, 2010-13

EV Committee, 2005-present 

            EV Candidate Search Committee, Fall 2006

            EV Steering Committee for evaluation of Miro Kummel, 2007-2013

Southwest Studies Faculty Advisory Committee, 2005-present

Study Abroad Faculty Advisor, Augsburg College program in Central America, 2007-

Latin American Studies ad hoc committee, 2005 - present

GIS Steering Committee, 2005-present

GIS Technical Director search committee member (7-8/2005 and 7-8/2007)

New Faculty Mentor, Antonio Tiongson (American Cultural Studies), 2008-09

Service Presentations (CC)

  1. Aficionados Luncheon, Wednesday, May 2nd, 2007: “The Devil’s Wire: The Death of the Open Range in Mexico.”
  2. Methods Workshop for Political Science, February 22nd, 2007: GIS and social science research, with Andrew Price-Smith.
  3. Faculty Luncheon, December 18th, 2006: “Political Ecology of Ranching in Mexico.”
  4. EV Seminar Presentation, February 23, 2006: “Grazing, Ranching and Environmental Complexity.”


Service to the discipline(s):

  • Member, International Editorial Board, Journal of Political Ecology, 2012-?
  • Book Series Co-Editor, La Frontera: People and Their Environments in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands (University of Arizona Press), 2009-present.
  • Chair, Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers, 2008-10.
  • Vice-Chair, Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers, 2006-08.
  • Associate Editor, Journal of Latin American Geography, 2004-06
  • Conference Organizer, Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers, hosted at Colorado College, May 31-June 3, 2007.
  • Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers, Board Member, 2001-04. (Publications Committee, CLAG; Membership Committee, CLAG).
  • Member, Editorial Board, ACME - An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies, 2007-2010. Located @
  • 2008. Applied for and received enhancement funds from AAG, for David Barkin (UAXochimilco, Mexico) and his participation in the 2008 Boston AAG meetings.
  • Editor and Host, Cultural & Political Ecology Newsletter of the Association of American Geographers, 2004-05

  • Journal Manuscript Reviewer: Journal of Latin American Geography (2002, 2003, 2004, 2011), Historical Geography; 2004 special issue on Historical Political Ecology (Geoscience Publications); World Development (2004); Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment (2004); The Southwestern Geographer (2004); Journal of Historical Geography (2004); Journal of Rural Studies (2005); Journal of Geography (2005, 2006, 2008); Human Ecology (2005); The Geographical Journal (2006); Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography (2007); The Professional Geographer (2008), Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers (2007, 2008); ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies (2007-10), Environmental Justice (2009), Annals of the Association of American Geographers (2009, 2010), Journal of Political Ecology (2010), Sustainability (2010), Water Alternatives (2010), Capitalism Nature Socialism (2011), Environmental History (2011)
  • Book Manuscript Reviews: University of Texas Press (2002), University of Arizona Press (2004); Pennsylvania State University Press (2005).
  • Research Proposal Reviews: NSF (2004, 2007, 2010, 2011)


Professional Development & Awards


·         National Sciences Executive Council, funds to attend the Colorado Earth System Governance Conference, May 17-20, 2011, for Environmental Program enrichment, curriculum planning, and course design plans.

·         GLCA/Japan Fund, summer 2010 – “Nature and Environment in Japan” – workshop on incorporating materials, with field study, from Japan (June 1-10, 2010).

·         NEH Summer Institute, 2009 - Nature and History at the Nation’s Edge, held at the University of Arizona (Tucson), June 14-July 11. This summer institute is focused on bringing together environmental historians with borderlands scholars and theory to improve joint scholarship on the region that seriously considers bi-national environments as crucial to borderlands scholarship.

·         Joseph T. Gordon Prize, 2009 – Given by the Hulbert Center for Southwest Studies for the volume “Political Ecologies of Cattle Ranching in Northern Mexico: Private Revolutions” (2010, University of Arizona Press), the prize recognizes outstanding achievement in scholarship or creative expression.

·         ACM FaCE Visiting Scholars Initiative – Two visits by EPP to Macalester College and Grinnell College, and two geographers making return visits to Colorado College. 2007-2009 – approved 5.25.07

·         Southwest Studies Regional Research Initiative Faculty Development Institute, Colorado College, August 11-13, 2005.

·         Applied for NSF Workshop, Summer 2005, Integrating GIS into Watershed Analysis, 7.29-8.2.2005 at SUNY-Brockport. Declined 5/2005.

·         Geography Faculty Development Alliance, professional workshop, June 19-26, 2004 held at the Department of Geography, University of Colorado-Boulder.

·         May-June 2003 - Summer Fellow, Center for the Study of Institutions, Population, and Environmental Change (Indiana University-Bloomington). CIPEC is a professional development institute on GIS, remote sensing and survey/questionnaire integration for human dimensions of global change research.

·         1998-99 Bruton Fellow - Awarded by the Office of Graduate Studies, The University of Texas at Austin.

·         1998 2nd place in student paper competition – Southwestern Division of the AAG meetings in Baton Rouge, LA

·         1996 2nd place in student paper competition - Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers conference, Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

·         1993 3rd place in student paper competition - Southwest Social Sciences Association conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.

·         1992 H. Thompson Straw Award for Academic Excellence - Department of Geography, Mary Washington College, Fredericksburg, Virginia.


Memberships in Professional Organizations

American Geographical Society
Association of American Geographers

American Society for Environmental History
Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers



  • Pyrenees, summers 2010 and 2011, Mediterranean terroirs: human environments.
  • New Mexico, 8/2009-3/1/2010, 7-8/2011, ongoing research on water rights adjudication and acequia governance. (Sabbatical research in 09-10)
  • Colorado/New Mexico, 7/2005, 9/2005, 8/2006, 4/2007, 6-7/2007; 7/2008– New research on agrarian landscapes, water and landscape transformation along the Upper/Middle Rio Grande watershed. + Pinon Canyon ranching-Army controversy (7-8/2008).
  • Sonora, Mexico 7/02, 1/03– Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers conference-related planning activities and follow-up research on cattle-ranching in the Rio Sonora region.
  • Pyrenees, summers 2000, 2003; October 2006, May-June 2008 –Pyrenean depopulation in the 20th century and effects on land-use, land-cover, and identity regionalism (France/Spain).
  • Guanajuato, Mexico - Hollis Mentored Field Experience, 5/02-6/02, Central Mexico.
  • Guanajuato, Mexico 5/00 – 7/00 (funded project)
  • Sonora, Mexico 6/95-7/95 and 9/96-11/97, 2006 (Dissertation field research, return visit).
  • Zuni (Pueblo), New Mexico, 6-8/93 (Masters field research)




French: Bilingual (Dual citizenship)

Spanish: Advanced (oral/reading; written form: good); ACTFL-certified as "Superior."


Revised 12.17.2011