Power Management


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 Have you seen this banner when you logged onto public computers at CC?
It was Green Computing Team who designed it!!

Power Management

An average PC uses 120-500 watts in an hour. Here are some things you can do to reduce the electricity use:

Activate power management feature on your computer, because one computer only uses approximately 8 watts per hour when it's in sleeping mode.

Turn off your computer at night. One turned-off computer uses only about 6 watts per hour.

Turn off your monitor when you're going away from the computer for more than 15 minutes. One CRT monitor uses about 198 watts per hour which is almost 50% of a computer's total electricity consumption.

How to Enable the Power Management Feature

On PCs (running Windows)
1. Right-click on your desktop. A dialog box appears.
2. Select Properties.
3. Select Screen Saver tab.
4. Select Energy Saving Features.
5. Select Settings.
6. Select the number of minutes after which you want your screen (and your CPU) to power down. We recommend something between 15-30 minutes. Not all computers let you install Power Management features (e.g. Windows NT).
On Macs
1. Go to the Apple Icon.
2. Select Control Panels.
3. Select Energy Saver.
4. Select Show Details.
5. Check Seperate Timing for Display Sleep.
6. Select the number of minutes after which you want your screen (and your CPU) to power down. We recommend something between 5-15 minutes.
Plug-in Energy Savers
An alternative to the Energy Star feature is plug-in devices with motion sensors that will turn off your monitor (and desk lamp), when you are not at your desk. Learn more about those at TUFTS' tool page.
The instructions differ slightly from system to system. For more information go to TUFTS' management page.

If you still need help installing power-saving device on your computer, please feel free to contact us and we will install it for you!



Copyright(c) 2003 Colorado College Green Computing Team. All rights reserved.