Dennis McEnnerney


Research Projects, Publications, and Professional Activities



For some years, I have been developing a book manuscript that investigates changing conceptions of resistance, identity, and politics in French and American thought from the early modern period to the present. The publications below focus on aspects of this larger research project, which I have tentatively entitled, "Raising Consciousness in an Age of Resistance and Liberation: French Résistance Discourse and the Recasting of the Political."


“Introduction: Histories of Resistance,” 1-5; and
“Theory and Practice of Résistance in Early Modern France,” 52-71.

I am continuing to work on papers and chapter drafts relating to this project. Some of the latter will draw on the more than a dozen conference papers I have given on aspects of the larger project.



As part of my  work for the Beta of Colorado  chapter of the national  Phi  Beta  Kappa  Society, I


also published “ How Can Liberal Education Engage ‘Things That Matter’?” in The Key Reporter (Phi Beta Kappa Society), 73, no. 1 (2008): 7, 11. The article explored the chapter's efforts to stimulate reflection across the disciplines about what Phi Beta Kappa termed, "Things That Matter." I expect over time to publish occasional articles on similar pedagogical topics.



In 2000, with Emily Hauptmann of Western Michigan University, I co-founded the Association for Political Theory. APT was designed to bring together scholars of political philosophy, political theory, and related fields, mixing ranks and encouraging active participation and civil argument. Now, approximately ten years later, APT has a membership of over 1,000. In 2010, the Association will stage its eighth conference, which has become one of the premier meetings for scholars of political thought in North America. I served as Executive Co-Director of APT from 2000 to 2008 and Program Committee Co-Chair in 2003 and 2004. I continue to serve as Webmaster for the Association, whose online home is on the Colorado College server.



I also have developed and published two websites, one for the Association for Political Theory, and another for the Colorado College chapter of the Phi Beta Kappa Society.

Association for Political Theory

Beta of Colorado, Phi Beta Kappa Society